Our Programs & Projects
Our Key Priorities ...​
Protect & Conserve
Unite & Strengthen
Educate & Inform
We organise around three core programs

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We improve the understanding and awareness of our landscapes and community capabilitities
We identify, harness and facilitate best practice skills and knowledge to enhance the care and management of landscapes
We design, manage and facilitate programs to improve the health, resilience and productivity of natural and managed landscapes

Interconnected Landscape Management (ILM) Framework
Landscape Scale Collaborative Management
In seeking sustainable, long-term outcomes Molonglo Conservation Group (MCG) brokers cooperative management partnerships beyond the Molonglo catchment boundaries so that member groups and other key stakeholders benefit from connections made through collaborative regional projects in support of MCG program delivery. As Traditional Custodians, the Buru Ngunawal Aboriginal Corporation (BNAC) is a key stakeholder.
Since 2013, BNAC has guided the stewardship efforts of MCG and the broader local Landcare community on the ground; to foster better understanding of the present-day urban, peri-urban and rural landscapes of the southern tablelands of SE Australia, in the context of past and continuing Ngunawal social and environmental practices (Caring for Country). This guidance is underpinned by traditional knowledge of the culturally defining ancient Murrumbidgee River system, the headwaters of which the Molonglo and Queanbeyan rivers are a part, and on which the ACT and parts of NSW stand.
An Interconnected Approach
The holistic understanding of ILM’s interconnected approach accepts that natural resource management involves consideration of ecological and social aspects that are interrelated, as an interconnected system. An interconnected approach analyses the factors influencing the whole socio-ecological system at different scales in space and time and assumes continuous change. It also acknowledges the level of uncertainty in our knowledge, understanding of future conditions, and is consistent with Buru Ngunawal Aboriginal Corporation (BNAC)’s aim to protect and conserve the living cultural heritage of the Ngunawal people.
In summary, MCG’s natural resource programs connect ecosystems and communities and integrate science with Aboriginal biocultural knowledge.
The ILM Framework is transferable, adaptable to different regional situations and Aboriginal cultural groups, to achieve long-term collaborative, landscape scale connectivity.
ILM Framework
View more about ILM Framework's:
innovative method for assessing and managing landscapes
exchange of knowledge and practice
inclusive program focus
Landscape Program Outcome - Interconnection of people and environment​
Capability Program Outcome - Sustaining Resources
Knowledge Program Outcome - Landscape Planning
initiatives since 2013​
Our Programs
We restore landscapes, enhance knowledge, and build community capabilities.

Upper Murrumbidgee Waterwatch - Molonglo Catchment

Upper Murrumbidgee Waterwatch - Molonglo Catchment
Upper Murrumbidgee Waterwatch engages the community in the environment through monitoring and caring for our catchments. We educate and raise awareness in schools and the community on issues concerning catchment health and we use data collected by volunteers to inform policy and on ground catchment management.
Want to get involved in helping our waterways?
Once a month you can monitor a Waterwatch site.
Once every 6 months you can help us survey for water bugs.
Once a year you can participate in the Frogwatch or Platypus Month surveys.
With assistance from the ACT Government

Community Environmental Education & Stewardship
Community Environmental Education & Stewardship Program

This program delivers two key components of community participation in caring for urban open space, local waterways and reserve lands and improving environmental literacy in their catchment areas.
Program outcomes:
Actively supported member & community groups undertaking local activities that improve the health and number of community stewarded sites.
Improved adoption of new behaviours and environmental literacy in the community and information dissemination to reduce pollution of local waterways.
Member groups and community groups working across Project development and management, Funding support, Coordination of on-ground and capacity building events and activities, Administration support and financial management, Communication services and IT support, Resource provision, consultation on ACT Government policies and strategies.
Promotion of H2OK messaging and stormwater education within the community; On-ground event organisation; Promote Landcare and NRM to grow the resource and volunteer base; Targeted information dissemination; Network connections and skill-sharing; Developing partnerships with regional catchment and NRM organisations.
With assistance from the ACT Government


Connecting Nature Connecting People
Connecting Nature, Connecting People Program (2022/2023)

"Connecting Nature, Connecting People" represents an initiative spearheaded by the ACT Government, aimed at tackling intricate challenges arising from our city's growth while emphasizing the necessity for our urban areas to serve as biodiverse and resilient green spaces.
Through a series of cross-government projects, "Connecting Nature, Connecting People" endeavours to facilitate the movement of species into the broader landscape, fostering what is termed 'ecological connectivity.' This initiative seeks to enhance and fortify urban biodiversity, as well as strengthen the bond between our community and the natural world.
Projects within the CNCP program undertaken by Molonlgo Conservation Group includes the following deliverables:
2 x Community events - Insect pollinator visual surveys begin in October/early November, with citizen scientists conducting surveys.
1 x Creation, Illustrations,
publication & printing CNCP Species in the Suburb colouring and education book.
1 x Development of Curriculum Alignment & Educational Resources
3 x Attend number of schools as pilot sites for resource roll-out
1 x Colouring Competition
1 x Public Launch
1 x Landcare ACT Wellbeing component to promote mindfulness and connection to nature through art.
Community Connectivity Corridor Plans (part of CNCP program)
Connectivity Mapping
Develop a Community Connectivity Corridor Plan that identifies potential opportunities within a pre-defined urban catchment for:
​Protecting and enhancing habitat connectivity.
​Biodiversity improvement.
​Community connection to, and stewardship of, nature.
​The plan needs to reflect:
​The aspirations of the community (including Ngunnawal Traditional Custodians where possible),
​Relevant ACT Government strategic environmental objectives, policies, and legislation, and
​The aims and objectives of the Connecting People, Connecting Nature initiative.
​The plan needs to be driven by habitat connectivity as the primary focus which is underpinned by the science behind the CNCP’s Urban Habitat and Connectivity Project and the Biodiversity Sensitive Urban Design Guide. It also needs to reflect the community use and amenity of each corridor.
With assistance from the ACT Government
Our Projects
Local Projects, Local Impact

Current Multi-Year Projects 2018-2025

Project Updates
Case Study
Data Analysis
Woodland Birds on TSRs in the Bungendore Area
The Bungendore region has experienced a history of agricultural land use and is extensively cleared and modified. Box-Gum Woodland and Tablelands Snow Gum Woodland Threatened Ecological Communities (TECs) are considerably depleted in extent and integrity and threatened species that depend on these communities are reduced in population size. This seven year project has involved six Travelling Stock Reserves in the Bungendore area with a focus on four threatened woodland bird species - the Scarlett Robin, Flame Robin, Speckled Warbler and Dusky Woodswallow.
Molonglo Conservation Group (MCG) has liaised with South East Local Land Services to integrate information into TSR management plans and ensure long-term protection of TECs and threatened species. Landholders in the area were encouraged to commit to Land For Wildlife agreements and were invited to workshops to increase community awareness of threats to TECs and threatened species and encourage sustainable land management practices.
Maintenance and Monitoring
Throughout 2023-24 and 2024-25 MCG will continue to maintain and monitor the TSRs, and report new data about threatened species. For further news on future events and activities visit our website "News/Events" page found here.
Project Resources
The project has also funded the publication of several educational resources for use by the adults and children:
Landholder's handbook
Colouring book and teaching package - "Wondrous Box-Gum Grassy Woodlands: A colouring exploration of a diverse ecosystem."
NSW teaching package specially tailored for Woodland Birds [to accompany "Luna the Stay-At-Home Cat", a four part series that follows the adventures of Luna and her owners as they learn to navigate cat containment and live in a wildlife friendly way (funded by NSW Government's Save Our Species program)].
These resources can be downloaded from our website "Resources" page found here.
The program is being funded by the NSW Government through a partnership between the Saving our Species program and the Environmental Trust.
Annual Report
Landscape-species conservation—Pink-tailed Legless Lizard habitat in the Googong-Burra region

Annual Report
Jan 2022
Project Resources
The project has also funded the publication of several educational resources for use by the adults and children:
Aprasia Activities Sheet
Aprasia Fact Sheet
Luna the Stay-At-Home Cat
These resources can be downloaded from our website "Resources" page found here.
This project has been supported by the New South Wales Government’s Saving our
Species program through its Office of Environment and Heritage.
This project is co-funded by Googong Township Pty Ltd

The project aims to extend and maintain remnant habitat of the vulnerable landscape-managed Aprasia parapulchella, commonly named Pink-tailed Worm (Legless) Lizard (or PTWL) and ensure the species is secure in the wild, while managing threats to the species and its habitat across approximately 5000 ha in the Googong-Burra locality of NSW over a 6year period.
The project includes building community support for habitat conservation, through the use of private landholder agreements to encourage and assist landholders in the area around Googong-Burra to manage their land for conservation of PTWL, and providing opportunities for volunteers to support them. This will be done in line with the Saving Our Species (SoS) program's targeted strategy for managing the species and the SoS framework.
This landscape has undergone major change since European arrival, with land clearing, grazing, rural subdivisions and, more recently, large urban development in the township of Googong. The landscape was once a mix of natural temperate grassland and woodland on the flats and slopes and dry sclerophyll forest on the hills. Since the introduction of large-scale sheep and cattle farming in the 1800’s, this landscape has undergone significant change and degradation over time, resulting in: the loss of much of the native vegetation on flat and sloped areas; loss of the shrub layer; individual paddock tree dieback; decline of woodland birds; and decline of grassland specialist PTWL in the landscape. Remnants of natural temperate grassland (nationally critically endangered) and woodland (part of the White Box Yellow Box Blakely’s Red Gum Woodland endangered ecological community in NSW and nationally critically endangered) are isolated, disconnected from others and threatened by a range of threats.
The project works with landholders who have remnant PTWL habitat. We seek to influence and educate landholders and communities about conservation management, by conducting community engagement activities and volunteer landscape management in Googong as the focal point.
The project expands on and compliments the conservation work occurring in the Googong Aprasia Conservation Area, by conducting conservation of PTWL habitat in the surrounding region using low-impact monitoring techniques, education around responsible grazing and pet ownership, and landscape rehabilitation (including weed control, pest animal control and grassland revegetation).
The initial stage of the project involved promotion and communication activities to landholders about the potential for PTWL and other threatened species to occur on their properties and the opportunities to conserve them, by participating in the project, and which involves developing property plans and establishing management agreements with financial incentives. Several landowners of properties with previous records of PTWL are participating in the project to more accurately map PTWL habitat, monitor and improve its management through long-term stewardship.
Capital Battery
Environmental above and beyond initiative
Urban Rivers Project by the Molonglo Conservation Group
Supporting catchment management and conservation along the banks of the
Molonglo River.
Project start date 1 January 2024 and completion date 31 December 2025.
The Grant will support works closest (<10kms) to the Capital Battery Project site. The following two areas are suitable for this purpose:
Molonglo River from Oaks Estate to south of Beard, ACT
Molonglo River at Molonglo Reach Fyshwick towards Lake Burley Griffin, ACT
Priority will be given to works aimed at supporting area no. 1.
The Grant will prioritise “on ground restoration works” and key activities that concern the following:
Weed Control
Erosion control
Riparian revegetation
Gross pollutant management
Improving Connectivity
Maintaining ecological refuges
Novel Riparian restoration trial
Woody weed growth under control
Improvement of soil and river health
Increased extent, connectivity and condition of native vegetation.
This project is supported by Captital Battery Pty Ltd.
Current Single Year Projects
Dryandra Street Woodland (O'Connor) Restoration Stage 3
Open Garden Dryandra
Our work will continue the restoration of 15 ha of significant, urban park bush land between Black Mountain and Bruce Ridge Nature Reserves, land bound by Barry, Dryandra and Fairfax streets. This land is habitat for a number of species of threatened orchids and 498 species of plants and animals have been recorded. In FY21-22 we undertook significant weed and erosion control, rubbish removal and began planting degraded land. In FY23 we will continue to control key weeds, particularly of African lovegrass, blackberry, blue periwinkle, caterpillar grass, stinkwort, St John’s wort, and serrated tussock. Initial removal of woody weeds shall be finalised. Roll-over drains will be installed to control erosion on the key walking and cycling track through the site. We shall also supplement planting of indigenous understory species on degraded lands and remove the extensive rubbish from the embankment of Barry Drive.
Ngunawal Interprative walks - Enviroment Grant
In this project, Southern ACT Catchment Group, Ginninderra Catchment Group and Molonglo Conservation Group will partner with Buru Ngunawal Aboriginal Corporation (BNAC), to deliver a series of public interpretive walks and talks, and site-based cross-cultural training events, with local Aboriginal Elders to facilitate cultural heritage knowledge sharing in natural environments of the ACT.
The project will be delivered as two components. The first will target the broader population, and local Ngunawal people providing interpretation of significant sites of Aboriginal Heritage across urban ACT, to facilitate public awareness and build knowledge and appreciation of the local Ngunawal history. The second component will specifically target volunteer environmental stewardship groups, to improve their ability to identify and preserve Ngunawal sites and artefacts, culturally important landscape context/practices and how to apply them as part of environmental activities. This will assist the protection of significant cultural heritage on country where they are working and inform future on-ground works.
This project will occur across multiple tenures and landscapes which will include hills, ridges and waterways on both protected area reserves and urban open space.
Campbell Park Regeneration
Adopt-A-Park Campbell Park sign
Develop a concept plan for the park
Species list approval by Professor Michael Mulvaney
Communicate with TCCS who manage the land
Site preparation and dial before you dig
Liaise with Cool Country Natives, Pialligo for plants
Coordinate and grow community group
Coordinate and grow community group
Plant out park sections as per plan
Organise Rock and log placement to suit plan
Installation of information sign in Campbell Park
Back to the Future - Creek repair and slope erosion control (Reedy Creek)
The project aims to reverse some of the land degradation from past grazing by sheep, stabilize upper catchment drainage lines, consolidate eroding mid slope areas and return part of Reedy Creek to a stable chain of ponds as an early stage to further rehabilitation works downstream. Molonglo Conservation Group and Reedy Creek Landcare will work on stability of the upper drainage lines to show what is possible on highly mobile soil, without machinery. We will also work on mid and lower slope eroded areas to stabilise and slow the erosion, Spotless, Defence and Delta Group, who are planning to provide support with management expertise, fencing, weed control, engineering, personnel, machinery and clean fill and rock diverted from their development sites to create swales, leaky weirs and repairs to harden infrastructures along the mid slopes and the Reedy Creek. The main works are: 3 leaky weirs in Reedy Creek to add biodiversity and habitat withing the creeks eroded walls and create a chain of ponds wih associated native vegetation surrounding the areas. These areas will be stabilised with soil, matting and rock to secure the area untill the plants take over. 10 areas of existing erosion, slowed with silt fencing, some added swales and fill were needed with plantings to hold it together. 11 areas of potential erosion at heads of gullies stabilised with coir silt fences and revegetation.
Ainslie Volcanics
The site for proposed community stewardship is Block 3&2 Section 60 Ainslie
Ainslie Volcanic volunteer group will undertake restoration to native grasslands at the foot of Mount Ainslie Quick Street and restore the area in line with identification of plant species found onsite from Professor Jamie Pittock ANU to encourage the community to care for the park and build awareness and understating of the diverse and rich biodiversity in our local environment and the impacts of climate change. Volunteers have now had activity plans approved and site Induction by TCCS completed. We will look to host education groups, working bees and events to teach our community more about the Canberra landscape and the importance and value of restorations. We plan to link with Landcare health and well-being programs and create intergenerational working groups by linking with Campbell High School, Ainslie Primary School and Ainslie Village,alongside particularly isolated members of the community. We are looking to engage with an ecologist to create an Ecological plan of this area and to provide volunteers with a plan for a staged and methodical process for weeding, planting and monitoring.
Oaks Estate Riparian Improvement
This project succeeds the 2022 ACT Environment Grant at the same site, upstream and in proximity to the Molonglo River and Queanbeyan River confluence along the Oaks Estate River Corridor Heritage Walk. The project area and proposed work compliments active ACT Government initiatives along the Molonglo River in an area that has not been targeted for weed control.
This project aims to enhance the ecological condition of aquatic ecosystems and the adjacent riparian zone through ongoing contracted woody weed control, erosion control and species directed succession planting. In addition, this project aims to connect people with nature through nature-based education through engagement with the Canberra Institute of Technology.
The site has been heavily impacted by the recent flooding events, which have eroded the riverbanks and redistributed sediment deposits, resulting in slumping and undercutting. Further understanding around this erosion and the state of the riverbanks is necessary to continue managing and maintaining the site. Previous revegetation plantings have also been damaged by the floods and the site requires some succession planting to assist with erosion control and to connect wildlife corridors. An initial bird survey will be conducted to identify target species and the subsequent plantings will be selected based on ideal habitat and forage suitability for those species. There is also follow up contracted weed control required to keep on top of weeds, predominately blackberry and crack willows. By
engaging with the Conservation and Ecosystems Management class from CIT we can share this education about maintaining degraded sites.
Bragg St, Hackett (Auspiced grant)
Final Report, April 2024
The group received a $3,000 Adopt-a-Park grant in 2021-22 and purchased around 300 plants, stakes and soil for planting in 7 swales built in 2021.Planted in spring 2022 and autumn 2023 & complement those planted in August 2021. Unfortunately, excessive rainfall in 2022, notably in Sep-Oct, filled all the swales with water. Many of the plants became waterlogged and died, while others (mainly on the walls of the swales) survived.
Furthermore, many of the plants purchased in July were tube stock. These were being kept in Mr Mobbs's backyard waiting to be planted in August-September. Unfortunately, a very heavy frost in August killed some of the plants - some grew back. Those that survived the frost were planted but they did not survive as well as larger plants in 140mm pots.
But recent dry weather has seen some of these bounce back. Some have also been eaten by rabbits. Given we are heading into a drier period, it is possible that some plants may not survive. This new grant will be used to purchase around 200 native plants (preferably in 140mm pots) and potting soil. These will cost between $5.50-17/plant depending on
the species and the nursery outlet. Some tube stock may need to be purchased and then repotted into larger pots for later planting - previous experience shows some tube stock do not survive direct planting. Plants to be sourced from Cool Country Natives (quote attached) and Yarralumla Nursery (quote to be provided), depending on species available.
​Black Mountain Signage
Many visitors to Black Mountain stop at the Forest Loop car park, to appreciate the views or to do the Forest Loop Walk. There is likely to be a significant increase in patronage in the near future once the Telstra Tower redevelopment is completed and tourists respond accordingly. The interpretive signs on the Forest Loop walk are in very poor condition and
need to be re-printed. The project will:
1. Upgrade of the interpretive signs about the nature reserve's biodiversity which help educate local, national and international visitors, so that it becomes an 'educative walk' and an effective gateway to more of Black Mountain.
2. If possible, Ngunnawal use of plants in the area will be highlighted on the signs about plants.
3. Friends of Black Mountain and a Ngunnawal elder will lead guided walks about the flora, fauna and stories of Ngunnawal culture relevant to that area. This has been successful on other guided walks in Black Mountain Re-serve and this project would enhance that experience, attract new local, national and international visitors and enhance their
awareness of the biodiversity.
Mount Pleasant Parkcare
Blue periwinkle (vinca) is the scourge of our reserve. It poses “the greatest threat to biodiversity long term” and its control is nominated as a priority 1 activity. Periwinkle was mentioned 20 times in the 2022 report.
Our proposal is to reclaim areas of bush using an approach developed over many tests, many failures and innovations. Our experimental site is near the junction of the fire trails in the lower south-east corner of the reserve.
It was a monoculture – now it is “an area of Blue Periwinkle (Vinca) control, revegetation and mulching which is enabling the successful reestablishment of planted native vegetation … the ecological function of this site is now significantly greater than it was prior, due to the high diversity of all plants which together improve soil condition and provide microhabitat for critical elements of food webs.” (Report p 26)
We are proposing to apply the same control methods to new areas. Our approach has four parts: spray, mulch, revegetate and monitor. We want to reclaim large areas smothered by periwinkle.
The funds will hire commercial sprayers and to truck the mulch to the site. These tasks are beyond the resources of PCS staff and the capacity of our group. Our contribution would be to identify the priority areas, direct the spraying program, help spread the mulch, conduct the revegetation program, and maintain the area.
Our proposal applies to all funding priorities, but particularly to:
a. Establishing biodiverse plantings, and
b. Controlling invasive species
Dawson St Landscape Plan
In May 2019, a group of twenty, including TCCS staff, planted five Persian Ironwoods in a degraded, largely unused Curtin park as part of Tree Week. Since then Dawson St Gardens volunteer group has transformed this park into a space that invites the community to enjoy, appreciate and care for nature. This enthusiastic group of volunteers achieved this in consultation with local residents, indigenous consultants, ecologists, community groups, local schools and TCCS. The park has gardens of indigenous bush tucker and native plants,
a Yarning Circle and rock seating. It is an educational tool for school children, community groups and residents, featuring QR codes on plant signs for information.
We now seek to build on these efforts by utilising the services of a professional Landscape Designer to formalise a detailed landscaping plan, taking into account existing plantings. This plan would detail short and long-term objectives and activities that we as a volunteer group can be guided by, based on what we have already learnt. The landscaping plan will encompass the over-arching themes of urban cooling, bio-diversity, community engagement and education. It would include design of a climate-wise garden of native and non-native plants and trees to educate local gardeners about plantings for our climate. It will continue to increase amenities such as solid shade, school and community use and help support biodiversity in the bush capital.
We would also benefit from social media training to help us attract more volunteers, especially younger people, to takeover longer-term care of the Gardens.
Community Grant Flyers - Alica Payne's Office
Creation of Landcare/Park Care information flyer and mapping - communication materials and equipment
Mike Braysher Fund project (Transfer from MCG Rosenberg Monitor to FOBM Black Mountain Oral Histories)
​The aim of the project is to enhance access to and appreciation of the natural biodiversity of Black Mountain through oral history. The principal objective is to create nine (9) oral histories to record and preserve the experiences, recollections and reflections of individuals who have had significant scientific, community engagement and conservation involvement with Black Mountain since it was declared a nature reserve on 23 July 1970. We propose to interview members of the community who have been involved with Black Mountain as researchers and/or conservationists over the years. It is proposed to: 1. Obtain oral history interview recordings and associated timed summaries, and 2. Obtain photographs and other written, visual or electronic material in and for use in public reproduction in any media in Australia or overseas, including print, electronic or digital format, and online on FoBM and/or Molonglo Conservation Group (MCG) websites.
Completed Projects