United for Nature
About Us
We are a grassroots organisation working with local communities to rebalance nature for a stronger, more resilient future. We combine evidence-based practices and people power to protect and conserve our natural environment.
Image: Wetlands by Chris Watson
Our Vision:
We exist to strengthen the health of communities and ecosystems for mutual benefit. Through our work we build a more harmonious and helpful relationship between people and nature, for everyone’s future.
Our Mission:
We stand up for a healthy environment for everyone’s future. We facilitate, develop, design and deliver best practice interconnected and adaptive natural resource and landscape management programs. We engage communities and collaborate with government and other organisations to raise awareness and implement practical initiatives with positive outcomes. We put forward evidence-based solutions and innovative ideas for how we can live in harmony with the natural world, treading lightly on the planet. We are a community united for nature.
'About Us' brochure ...
Our Strategic Approach at a glance...
Our 2015-30 Molonglo Catchment Strategy at a glance...
We Are Nature's Champions
Here's a glimpse of what we do ...
Meet The Team
Elyssa Castles
Project Officer
Jeannine Fromholtz
Program Manager
Jed Pearson
Waterwatch Coordinator
Karen Williams
Managing Director
Our Board of Directors
President: Karen Williams
Treasurer: Glen Bortolin
Secretary: Carol Billett
Linda Beveridge
Daryl Crapp
Wendy Goodlett
Peter Kenshole
Natural partnerships
for the benefit of our environment.
Landcare ACT
Landcare NSW
Ginninderra Catchment Group
Southern ACT Catchment Group
Local Schools, CIT, Colleges, Primary (Landcare activities at various sites)
Sea scouts (Clean up event)
Canoe Club Molonglo Reach (Clean up)
PCS Parkcare
Landcare ACT Members council
UMCN Members council
Parks and Conservation (World wetlands day and clean up event)
Trash Gather (Clean up events)
Icon Water (Sullivan’s creek symposium)
Buru Ngunawal (Sullivan’s Creek project) Old Narrabundah Community Council
ACT For Bees (Habitat for Wildlife workshop) Community Environment Network (LFW & HFW Training and support)
Grassroots Environmental (Majura Workshop)
Nature-Art-Lab (3 Sites Citizen Science)
Googong Township Pty Ltd
SolarShare (Majura Solar Farm)